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Mensajes : 27
Fecha de inscripción : 04/07/2019

Good Table Manners of Around the World Empty Good Table Manners of Around the World

Vie Jun 04, 2021 9:00 pm
“Don't put your elbows on the table!” “Don't leave the table without asking permission!” When we were little (or even a little older), we have all at least once been reprimanded by our parents for our good table manners. While there are already many rules of good manners in France, they vary from one corner of the globe to another. From Europe to Asia, from Africa to Canada, discover our selection of the most surprising table manners.

1. In Portugal, never ask for salt or pepper
If the salt or pepper is not already placed on the table, it is better not to claim them. This is considered an offense against the chef's culinary skills. Think about it! 😉

2. In France, it is forbidden to cut salad with a knife
You already had that one, didn't you? To be considered as refined in France, it is absolutely necessary to avoid cutting the salad leaves with a knife, which must, on the contrary, be folded and eaten exclusively with a fork.

3. In the United Kingdom, we eat bananas with a fork and a knife
If you are planning on heading to London for lunch at Buckingham Palace (you never know should to visit ), remember when serving fruit that the banana should be eaten with a knife and fork. Otherwise, you will not make a good impression on the Queen.

4. In Tanzania, punctuality, a form of rudeness

Are you a chronic latecomer? Then this African country is your ideal vacation spot! In Tanzania, arriving on time for dinner is considered a rude gesture, and vice versa, if you arrive 15-30 minutes late it will set you apart (in a good way).

5. In Arab countries, do not eat with the left hand
In countries of Arab culture, it is fashionable never to eat with the left hand, which is traditionally used for washing.

6. In Chile, you don't eat with your hands
In this South American country, it is customary to always use cutlery for all types of food in general. Chileans don't eat anything with their hands, not even fries (Even if, between us, we know it's better

7. In the Philippines, Cambodia, Korea and Egypt, don't eat all the food on your plate
In many countries , finishing all the food on your plate can embarrass hosts because it means they miscalculated the amount and you are still hungry.

8. In China, never point your finger at a person with chopsticks.
Never point your finger at someone with your chopsticks in China: this is considered a serious insult.

9. In China, a burp to please
If you are traveling to China and after a dinner you want to pay homage to the chef or the hosts, nothing better than a good burp. This is how the guest expresses his appreciation for the food he has eaten.

10. In Canada, a fart to please
Did the burping of the Chinese table shock you? So, never let the Inuit Eskimos of Canada invite you to dinner, as they expect you to emit gas to show your appreciation for the meal offered.
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