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Mensajes : 27
Fecha de inscripción : 04/07/2019

Tips to Increase your Landing Page Conversions Empty Tips to Increase your Landing Page Conversions

Lun Mar 22, 2021 5:32 pm
Optimizing the conversion rate is an aspect that is often overlooked in companies' digital strategy.

Indeed, in Digital Marketing via Guest Post, the acquisition of traffic can be a priority for a Landing Page , and even a website.

However, once the traffic is obtained, you will quickly realize that a basic Landing Page is not enough to convert effectively.

This is when it is important to work on your Landing Page in its ability to convert prospects .

1. Know your market and your users

As with many marketing strategies, knowing your users, your prospects and your market is essential.

By knowing perfectly your environment and the people to whom you are speaking, you are able to orient your future choices and assumptions regarding your Landing Page.

To convert with your Landing Page, it is therefore necessary to optimize it so that it corresponds as best as possible to the expectations of your users and their behavior.

The user experience and research methods UX are very important here.

User research allows you to understand your target audience and to know their tastes, motivations, desires ...

To learn more about your prospects and your market, it is best to get in touch with them directly.

Take polls, polls and ask them consistent questions like:

What is your professional status?
What industry does your company work in?
What tools do you use in your work?
What are your goals in terms of growth?
What type of blog post do you read?
What do you think is a good buying journey ?
What is the size of your company ?

In any case, these questions should help you understand your market and its trends, whether at the level:

Demographic data of your target,
Of his preferences,
Of his habits ...
And the tool to properly formalize this data collection is the Persona that I advise you to build as a team .

You can imagine that a Landing Page intended for business leaders is not going to look like a Landing Page like this intended for students.

The value proposition , the colors used, the tone
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